[10000印刷√] •ÇŽ† ƒAƒfƒBƒ_ƒX ƒXƒ|ƒ“ƒWƒ{ƒu 313538

A function f from A to B assigns exactly one element of B to each element of A f(a) = b ≡ f assigns b ∈ B to a ∈ A f A → B ≡ f is a function from A to B A is called the domain of f B is called the codomain or range of f Example Functions R×R → R What about minus, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiationI f h f g f e N W P Q S ` S Y O d Z U N M S Y O N X W S U M U < F B ;That is, basic questions about whether or not an orthogonal series expansion such as (7) is actually possible were ignored

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•ÇŽ† ƒAƒfƒBƒ_ƒX ƒXƒ|ƒ"ƒWƒ{ƒu

•ÇŽ† ƒAƒfƒBƒ_ƒX ƒXƒ|ƒ"ƒWƒ{ƒu-2 So we can can write p(x) as a linear combination of p 0;p 1;p 2 and p 3Thus p 0;p 1;p 2 and p 3 span P 3(F)Thus, they form a basis for P 3(F)Therefore, there exists a basis of P 3(F) with no polynomial of degree 2 Exercise 2 Prove or give a counterexample If v9 b ' 8 , 6 ) a @ &3 !



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4 = @ 3 7 5 > ?< 9 @ 3 4Where f n(x) 2 (11) The series (7) with coefficients given by either (8) or (10) is said to be an orthogonal series expansion of f or a generalized Fourier series COMPLETE SETS The procedure outlined for determining the coefficients c n was formal;4 SUMS AND DIRECT SUMS 6 2 4 y 0 −4 2 z 0 −2 −4 4 x 0 −2 −2 −4 4 2 Figure 2 The intersection U ∩ U′ of two subspaces is a subspace Check as an exercise that U1 U2 is a subspace of V In fact, U1 U2 is the smallest subspace of V that contains both U1 and U2 Example 10

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